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About me and how this all started

My name is Brian G. Tordoff and I've been loving reading and books all my life. My first book is titled Letters and Words SUDOKU and I hope you will enjoy it.


I've served twenty-seven years in the military both at home and abroad. I started in the Air Force as a Chinese Mandarin and Russian Voice Intercept operator/technician then finished my military career in the Army National Guard as an Intelligence Analyst retiring, in 2002, as a Sergeant First Class.



Leveraging the military education assistance program I graduated in 1977 with a Master's in Library Science and worked as a librarian for twenty-three, 6 years in the public center and 17 years for Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.  After my librarian position was phased out I continued working for the Missouri Department of Health until retiring in 2013.


Through it all I've loved my wonderful wife of 52 years, raised two sons and stayed active with my church. 


In 2011 I had the first of a few episodes of a brain issue caused by my falling at a store and hitting my head. These traumatic events gave me brain damage that severely impacted my ability to read and form words. During my rehab I came up with the idea for this book that is not only enjoyable to anyone who loves words and puzzles as much as I do but also is way to help others work on their English skills.


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